1. A panna match lasts a maximum of 5 minutes

  2. The player with the most goals after 5 minutes wins

  3. Panna? = Knock Out!

  4. The ball cannot hit the boarding as the last thing before entering the goal

  5. A panna game is started by having two players standing back to back in the middle of the court with a ball in between them. When the official starts the game, the players can turn and fight for possession

  6. Players are expected to shake hands (or something similar) in sign of respect before a game is started

  7. There is NO discussion allowed. The officials always have the final say

  8. Little fault = ball for opponent

  9. With some hard faults the player will get 2 warnings from the officials.

    After 2 faults every subsequent fault result in a goal for the opponent

  10. Timidity, playing inactively and stalling the game is not allowed. Timidity indudes playing mainly with the back to the opponent and/or persistently keeping the ball away from the opponent in a no- technical way without trying to score or faking the opponent out.

  11. The officials shall enforce upon any type of unfair play.

  12. Officials can choose in any point of the game to disqualify a player in extreme cases such as violence, spitting or continuous disrespect of the officials.


A panna is when the ball is played in between the opponent’s legs. Panna means: Knock Out! You cannot make a panna unless you have ball possession to begin with. You do not need to retrieve the ball after making a panna.

  • A panna must be intentional; the official assigned to a game always has the final call

  • You cannot make a panna unless you have ball possession to begin with

  • You do not need to retrieve the ball after making a panna

  • It is not a panna if the ball hits the boarding as the last thing before going through the legs of the opponent.

  • It is not a panna if the ball is poked through after it has been caught and locked between the legs of the opponent.

Rules sourced and modified from: